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Conversions from Tape: The precious memories that you have on tape are not permanent. Each year these fade a bit more until they become unwatchable. It is good to transfer this material to DVD and/or digital tape. A carefully cared for DVD can last well past your lifetime. We can place approximately 2 hours on a DVD at a high quality. If your original tapes are lacking in quality, you may want to consider placing only 1 hour onto each single DVD. This would enable us to make adjustments that would ensure no additional loss of quality. You can keep your cost down by organizing your tapes. If we make up a 2 hour DVD using video from 1 full VHS tape that you supply, it will cost less than if we need to use video from numerous tapes to burn a single DVD. We can make periodic entry points into your DVD or we can make specific entry points. Entry points allow you to go directly to a given segment of your DVD from your DVD menu.


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